Function percentile_approx(column, percentage, accuracy=10000) returns the approximate percentile value of the specified numeric column at
Platforms: WhereOS, Spark, Hive Class: com.whereos.udf.KONEElevatorCallUDF More functions can be added to WhereOS via Python
zscore(value, mean, stddev) – Returns a standard score (zscore) Platforms: WhereOS, Spark, Hive Class: hivemall.ftvec.scaling.ZScoreUDF
zip_with(left, right, func) – Merges the two given arrays, element-wise, into a single array using
xpath_string(xml, xpath) – Returns the text contents of the first xml node that matches the
year(date) – Returns the year component of the date/timestamp. Platforms: WhereOS, Spark, Hive Class: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Year